Running with a Spoonful in Life's Gallery

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Containers we live in ...

Sometimes I like to think that we live within containers.
Containers that we grow into and grow used to. Containers that whose form we take when we appear to the world.

When someone says that you are the brightest amongst yr peers, your container changes its shape and prolly gets a little bigger. And you learn how to grow into it. By studying harder, by reading more, or simply by believing that you can. You become better than before.
When you get promoted and get called say a "Director", the new responsibilities, coupled with the newfound validation of yr abilities by the higher authorities, drive you to perform at a higher level than you did previously.
Through other ppl's expectations, our container gets shaped.

But what's really stopping us from moulding our containers ourselves, even if it were just a little bit each day? Why can't I believe that I can do things better today than I can yesterday, or simply allowing my dreams to take on gargantuan proportions so that my abilities can grow to match them? What's stopping me from thinking like a CEO just because I think I might actually be that good?

Instead of growing into our existing containers, we all shd grow our containers just a little bit, every single day. The rest will take care of itself. Do I have the courage to dream big?

What have I done to enlarge my container today?


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