Running with a Spoonful in Life's Gallery

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Traits of leadership thought leaders

Just saw this off the web - traits of the top 100 leadership gurus

  1. Preparation: academic and professional.
  2. Character: values, ethics, beliefs, purpose, mission, integrity, walk the talk.
  3. Principles: big message, point of view, tenets, main points.
  4. Personality: charisma, style, originality, authenticity, one of a kind.
  5. Performance: inspiring action, real-world performance, work ethic.
  6. Experience: beyond local and regional, more national and international.
  7. Expression: substance and style in writing, speaking, coaching, consulting, mentoring, training, or teaching.
  8. Influence: difference, results, change, transformation.


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