Blowing off the dust
It must have been eons since I last wrote anything in this blog. Looking back at the old posts, it feels kinda surreal. It's like the current me listening to the old me, different selfs (now I've gone through more of life ... weathered maybe!) but yet still very much the same person who's punching the letters the keyboard. It's as if there's a "me-me" self who exists and where my will resides, and there's a "constructed-me" self that is shaped by experiences and is in turn shaped by myself. (This must be the driest introduction I've ever written in my blog. I blame it on the lack of practice!)
In any case, I've found some more reason to write again. Met a friend recently who fanatically keeps a blog on what she'd read, so that she'd be forced to digest and understand the contents of her books diligently. What's more, this is a free method to save one's writings.
So, inspired by my friend's blog (or more like stealing her idea), here's going to be my first post in (what!) 2 years. A side-track - having time to read nowadays is a luxury. It feels almost like I'm doing something shameful - I have to sneak in my reading time here and there, in the nooks and crannies between my appointments, my work and such. Life's tough eh.
And I guess the same will go for my blog writing as well :(
I need more nooks and crannies! Haha.
I need more nooks and crannies! Haha.
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