Running with a Spoonful in Life's Gallery

Tuesday, April 12, 2005

Bad Weather

The weather today stinks ... just when I thought that the departure of the cold winter has taken the last of my miseries away, and that the lazy warmth of spring is here ... ... the weather has to take a change for the worse.

I checked my weather report, and it seems that the weather will stay like that for a while more. This sucks. This could very well be the most miserable time of the year for me. I've got pollen stuck so far up my nose that I can see the yellow particles swimming in my eyes (i swear! i saw them this morning, swimming across my vision and mocking my helplessness at not being able to just scratch at my eyeball). The pollen's the only thing that's even remotely "Spring" around here. The weather's gloomy, it keeps raining, and most of all, I am freaking cold.

I remembered being perfectly happy a week ago. And now I am a sulking and testy soul. Man! The only thing around here that can keep up with the temperamental weather is ... my mood swings. (And my almost rheumatic ankle)


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