Running with a Spoonful in Life's Gallery

Friday, April 01, 2005

Running after Nothing

In a one bedroom efficiency along a small road in Durham, I live with my cat.

I am facing a mini crisis as I am writing this blog now. There has been a case of a paranormal activity in my home, and my cat has been possessed by a poltergeist of some sorts. This - spirit, or whatchamightcallit seems to have a penchant for running ... (it might have been an unfulfilled runner in its past life) and in particular, running aimlessly.

At this very moment, my cat has just completed a 5 yard sprint from my kitchen to the bathroom, did a quick double take, circled me twice (laying to waste my precious diet coke), and ran for his life back to where he came from. (What was the point in that?!)

And as unexpected as his decision to start running against himself was, he suddenly stopped in the middle of his tracks, calmly sat down and began licking his paws. This is just plain crazy, and I was seized by an uncontrollable laughing fit. It would have been awesome if I can talk to my cat, or to whatchamightcallit that is possessing it.

"Look look, even after running non stop for the last half an hour, you haven't gotten anywhere at all, haven't you? Now you are still at the corner of my desk, right where you were 10 minutes ago. Where do you think you are going?"

"Hey Joey, get a life! Quit running around after nothing ... what are you getting out from it?"

Tsk tsk, such an aimless and purposeless life. I chuckled to myself, feeling positively superior to this poor creature who doesn't know where it is headed. Joey is now lying on his back, looking exuberant and very very contented. *Sigh* Look at how happy it is with himself; it is even convinced that it is having a good life. Hah hah hah.

And now now, where was I? I distinctively remembered surfing online for laptops I can never afford to buy, and for cars I can never afford, but I cannot quite remember what it was that captured my attention before the poltergeist activity started. Ahhh yes, I was looking for information I will never ever need about my love life in the astrology column. That WAS exciting!

In a one room efficiency beside a small road in Durham, two creatures (one possessed) live out fulfulling and enriching existences, and at the same time feeling really good about themselves.


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