No right men left
I happened to read this post on a fellow blogger's page, and his whining mood caught on, and I feel the itch to complain the entire morning. In fact, I feel so much like complaining for the rest of today that I feel compelled to reduce this disease into words on this blogging page. The bothersome feeling is still there, but I feel more in control being able to write it down (I suspect that was why the fellow blogger did that in the first place), and it always helps when you share your crap with other poor fellas who happened to stumble across your blog (this inconsiderate behavior exhibited by the fellow blogger was what brought me here, whining, in the first place).
Well, so without further ado, let me get started on this statement that is often heard amongst the teeming group of teenagers and young adults looking for love. Many of the womenfolk believe that there is no right men left (the male corrollary of this is "there is no pretty girl left in my neighborhood"), and that all the good men have suddenly disappeared for good. One even wonders if the good men ever existed.
A proposition I have, strange as it might sound, is that the male species is a bunch of people who are born with the innate ability to apply economic principles, except that for his case, it applies to the women folk. He seeks to maximize his well being by appropriately fine tuning his behavior with the external world, so that he is always at the highest point on his yield curve. Somehow there is always a trade off in this kind of situation, and in this case, a male's "bastardiness index" increases the further up he goes along his yield curve.
Being nasty makes a guy happy. Being totally inconsiderate and oblivious to other people satisfies his cavemen longings. And hence, a male seeks to achieve the highest bastardiness index that he possibly can in relation to his capacity. That is a lot of fluff. Lemme try to clean my words up. In other words, a male tries to satisfy his desires as much as possible, and this entails doing many nasty things to the people around them. The difference is, some males have an ability to do much nastier things and still get away with it, while there are others who are so far down on the curve that doing even a single nasty thing is completely out of the picture. (Scold my girlfriend? I will NEVER do something like that!)
Nice guys belong to the second group of males (that's me). They are there not because they want to. They are there because they cannot afford to be anything else other than being nice. They are restricted by the effect of diminishing returns with each nasty thing they do.
Now. What does this capacity, this ability to get away with doing nasty things refer to anyway? What kind of males have this thing you call capacity? This is where the catch 22 is. Physically attractive males, materially well endowed males, rich males, males who can sweet talk themselves out of any situation involving females..blah blah blah, and the list goes on. Hold on, you say, isn't this the kind of dream partner that females have been looking for? There you go, males seek to maximise the amount of nasty things that he can do to you. Going after an attractive male just opens an invitation for more nasty stuff.
Womenfolk might then ask : Where do I look for those nice guys who are at the bottom of the curve then? Being at the bottom of the curve, they do not look anything like the guy of your dreams. In fact, just throw that entire misconception away. They don't own flashy cars, which is why you don't notice them. In fact, they hide out in the most out-of-the-way neighborhoods to defend themselves against the onslaught of capitalistic males chomping on their territory. Some neighborhood where females don't usually visit.
Which is why there are no pretty girls in my neighborhood.
Grace, at 11:18 AM
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