Running with a Spoonful in Life's Gallery

Friday, September 11, 2009

Talent Force: : A New Manifesto for the Human Side of Business - Rusty Rueff /Hank Stringer

Reading up on this to learn more about talent management.

I think that this is a good "overview" book on talent management, but it does not go into much details which I feel would have given me a better understanding of the considerations and processes related to the subject.

Here are some of my key thoughts inspired by the book:

  1. Talent management is a continuous process - talent has to be groomed at every level of the company. Waiting till the post has been vacated would be too late already. For example, in GE, when Jack Welch retired, there was a row of capable leaders on the bench that could be readily deployed. This process had taken many many years. These leaders were so good that they went on to head other MNCs.
  2. Using the internet to give recruitment an edge - the internet offers a range of tools to recruiters like never before. It is much easier to stay in touch with job applicants even after they are rejected, or people who may be interested in yr company but are not ready to take up the job offer yet. This relationship management process is critical for talent recruitment.
  3. Talent branding - need to ensure that one's corporate image is consistent with the brand that recruiters are selling to talents.
  4. Understanding of a company's strategies - talent recruitment and management cannot exist in a silo. The Head of talent management has to be keenly aware of the strategies of the company before he/she can know what kind of talent to recruit and how to groom them.



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