Running with a Spoonful in Life's Gallery

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Confessions of an Economic Hit Man - John Perkins

This is certainly a very riveting story. Overall, I find tht the facts and claims in the story rather logical and coherent. However, I wish there could be an easier way of verifying them. (I could potentially do some internet research, but I think that it won't bring me much nearer to the truth.)

If I were to suspend my skepticism, the implications of this story is serious and scary. And depressing too - cos we appear so helpless against such nefarious and gargantuan capitalist machinery. Many of these companies have GDPs greater than my country!

Even if it were largely fictional, there are still lessons on greed and corruption that I can learn. My current desire for success may eventually bring me closer to decision points that could lead me life down paths where the temptations are strong. I do hope that my moral compass continues to point the right way and may I have to strength to choose to follow it then!



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