The 2-minute addiction
It first started out as a strategy I learnt from reading books on productivity and Getting Things Done. Th strategy is encompassed in a simple rule. For tasks that can be completed under 2 minutes, do them immediately. For tasks that take longer, classify them into folders for execution later. It worked wonderfully! Using my email inbox as a testing ground, I frequently managed to keep to the zero-item-in-inbox target.
However, I realise that this strategy does have its perverse effects! I'm starting to procrastinate on the tasks that take longer to complete, drawing comfort from the act of filing them into well-organised folders (which SHOULD not be a substitute for executing the task!) while pursuing the satisfaction that I get from completing 2 minute tasks.
At this rate, I'll reach my deathbed being the dude who has achived millions of 2 minute tasks but nothing big. Haha.
I think I'll have to change my strategy so that I devote more time to thinking longer and deeper on things that matter. These things may have outcomes that take longer to realise, but I guess I'll just have to get my instant kicks from other sources instead :)
Labels: Musings
Actually hor, the problem with most pple isnt with getting the easy quick stuff done... its with getting the time consuming arduous tasks completed.. in my case even starting them is a feat on its own! As you rightly point out, you end up procrastinating on the more time consuming ones... and spending more time chucking them into folders!! I prefer instead that link you sent me on the Cult of Done Manifesto... which I have been wanting to print and put on my desk... but haven't quite gotten down to doing it! hahahahah
Unknown, at 5:43 PM
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