Things to do better this week!
I think it is a good idea to spend Sunday doing a mini-review of my previous week, and then setting things that I'd do better in the coming week. (Gee, this is sounding like some PIR of some sorts ... )
Looking back ....
I managed to accomplish a mini-milestone in my life today - running 10km. This is probably quite an easy and nondescript feat for many people, but honestly, this was the first time in my life that I ran such a long distance. (And I generally dislike running! Even 2.4km was a real pain for me.) xm likes to call such goals "character-building" :) Accomplishing it definitely made me feel more confident about goal-setting, since I now have one less item on my list of things that I fear doing. Maybe the 21km next? Hahaha.
I think I'm also getting better at keeping my eyes on the bigger picture, larger objectives, both at work and in life. I've often been guilty of the habit of engaging myself in alot of activities but achieving little outcomes. (Sometimes, alot of activity can be quite calming to the mind, as it beguiles me into thinking that I'm doing useful things with my time. The two are really not the same!) I've still got some way to go, but I think I'm making progress :)
I've also been keeping up my promise (to myself) to pick up the violin again. Man, how much have my skills slipped over the years! But it is sure fun as heck to be playing the instrument again, and forcing myself to play difficult songs. My goal is to be able to play Praeludium and Allegro well.
In the coming week ...
I will improve my tennis!!! This is something that I've been trying to do well for the last year, and admittedly, progress has been really slow.
Integrate a running regimen into my weekly schedule. Have been doing this on and off for the last few months, with some success. Will be making it more regular.
Sharpen my ability to plan and execute projects. There are a number of projects at work coming up. Would really like to leave some value and legacy in my division before I leave - which is just a few months away!
i didn't know you play the violin!
Snowy Monkey, at 11:15 PM
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