Running with a Spoonful in Life's Gallery

Monday, November 30, 2009

CEO Material - D.A. Benton

Sometimes I think I read books to get recharged. It is like fuel for my soul and inspiration for my mind. This must be the gazillionth book on leadership and how to be a CEO and yadda yadda that I've read. And the principles stated within are vaguely familiar to me, having read so many books of the same genre. However, I still ended up gobbling the book like it was the first time I'm seeing the content. I did feel very recharged after reading the book.

It's packed with useful advice - nuggets of wisdom to help me make those small decisions each day.

Especially given the circumstances that I'm in right now as a very green junior manager, many of the issues resonated strongly with me. Nothing like reading the theory and then putting it into practice the next moment, and then to come back again for inspiration. Here are some thoughts:

  1. As a manager, one has to think fast, think well, think clearly and think decisively. So far I think I've been doing ok on this front. I don't change too many of my decisions, and I generally make the correct decisions quickly. (Generally correct, that is!) However, I think there were a few times when I did not communicate my ideas or decision as well as I should have. This is one area to further work on.
  2. Stand and walk tall. I think I haven't been doing this as well as I should! I had been so tired on some of the days that I looked like a mess. I don't think that creates alot of confidence in the people I work with. Have to do better here.
  3. Having fire in my belly. Energy and time management are but two sides of the same coin. I have no time and no energy just 2 months into my job! And my energy is rather unstable - probably due to all the stimulants that I use to stay "on top". So there are times when I space out quite a bit and times when I'm on cloud 9. Perhaps eating healthier and exercising more will be a solution to this.


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